Sunday, August 29, 2010

New York publication acknowledges historical antiquity of Amarnath, Kashmir

A well known publication based in New York, Wall Street Journal, has acknowledged the importance of Amarnath Yatra describing it as one of the world's oldest pilgrimages, with historical references dating back to more than 2000 years. This is a very significant acknowledgement in the U.S.

Many Hindus have been objecting to the fact that the government in Kashmir referred to holy Amarnath cave of Lord Shiv, as having been discovered by a Muslim shepherd a couple of centuries ago. Hindus contend that Amarnath yatra was in vogue before the advent of Islam. Hindus show proof in form of references about the yatra taking place even before the birth of Christ, including the mention to this effect in Rajatarangini, the most authortative history of Kashmir by Kalhana.

Atal Behair Vajpayee once remarked --- Govind Ballabh Pant's assertion that elections in Kashmir and participation by Kashmiris in these elections have set to rest, once and for all the demand for plebiscite. Pant said and Vajpayee reiterated that Kashmir assembly elections in 1950 s is India's way of holding plebiscite in the state.

Apart from regular elections, one strong point which goes in India's favor rather than Pakistani as far as Kashmir is concerned is the Amarnath Yatra. According to the Wall Street Journal report, more than 450,000 Hindus went on the pilgrimage this year. The very fact that such large numbers go on this pilgrimage shows the importance it has for India in general and Hindus in particular.

What would have happened, if Kashmir was in Pakistan ? only a small congregation or jatha of few hundred people would have gone on this pilgirmage of Amarnath like they now go to Nanakana Sahib near Lahore. Just look at the fuss created by the Pakistani authorities who think they do us a favor by giving visa to the Hindu-Sikh jathas for visiting the birth place of Guru Nanak Dev ji. The number of pilgrims on this holy shrine have reduced to a trickle.

According to the Wall Street Journal report, even the Kashmiri Muslims realize the importance of this Amarnath Yatra and sell images of Hindu gods and goddesses to the worshippers at the Cave.

In another part of Himalayas, under illegal control of China, is the Mount Kailash and Kailash Mansarovar where too a handful of Hindus are able to go for pilgrimage every year subject to visas granted by Beijing. Oh Lord Shiv!!! look..... we are the mercy of Beijing government to pay our respects to you in your seat of worship in Kailash.The pilgrimage was resumed after Vajpayee visited China as foreign minister in 1978. He remarked that the presence of a Hindu place of worship in the region is a proof of India's claim on Kailash. Since restoration of territory to India wasn't acceptable to the wily Chinese, Vajpayee argued that at least the pilgrimage should be resumed, which it did.

Vajpayee, once jokingly remarked that if Kailash parvat doesn't belong to the Hindus then the only other possibility is of Chinese establishing a Hindu place of worship under the intoxicating influence of opium. Chinese were notorious opium eaters during the colonial times and also fought with the British in what are known as the Opium wars.

If Hindus don't want the fate of Amarnath to be what it has been to Nankana Sahib in Pakistan and Kailash Mansarovar in China, they should fight all attempts of scession of Kashmir tooth and nail. Always remember that it was Lord Shiv who was the first Amarnath Yatri along with Goddess Parvati. In the eighth century, it was Jagat Guru Adi Shankaracharya who went on this pilgrimage. Sister Nivedita mentions in her memoirs about Swami Vivekananda going to Amarnath in the 1890s and having a strange feeling of calmness inside the cave.

If you go on Amarnath Yatra and climb up the Himalayas, you walk on the footsteps of Lord Shiv, footsteps of Goddess Parvati, that of Jagat Guru Adi Shankaracharya and Swami Vivekananda, something, you will never be able to do if separatist designs in Kashmir succeed.